Letra Abandoned de Amon Amarth

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They came riding down the slopes,
Five fearless men prepared to fight.
We heard with fear the rumbling earth.
In the mid-day light.

Surprised we saw all terrified.
The brave northmen's run.
The fearless five with power ride.
Attacking us in the mid-day sun.

Their charge was fast, no alarm was sound.
They broke right through our lines.
I felt the cut it threw me to the ground.
And now i feel has come my time.

I lie here in my blood.
And see my family get killed.
I fell abandoned by my god.
I fear death's chill.

I see Hel's gates.
Towering high.
And dark are they.
I don't want to die.

Oh No! I was wrong.
Denied the true Gods and now I'm doomed.
I trusted foreign men.
And their god's son.
But now when i need them.
They are gone.

I see Hel's gates.
Towering high.
And dark are they.
I die!

They ride across the planes.
And punish those of false belief.
And resistance is in vain.
As they caress them with cold steel.

They are the punishers.
And they will never bend.
They are power the five of them.
From Asgard they are sent.

The power they have in all they do.
The Christians non will feel.
No one can escape them no.
Them will make them kneel.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Their fight is through, they must return.
No one here survived.
And as the blood red sky begins to burn.
To Valhall they will ride.