Letra Abilene de Waylon Jennings

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Abilene, Abilene,
Prettiest town I've ever seen
Women there don't treat you mean
In Abilene, my Abilene.

I sit alone most every night
Watch those trains pull out of sight
Don't I wish they were carrying me
Back to Abilene, my Abilene.

Abilene, Abilene,
Prettiest town I've ever seen
Women there don't treat you mean
In Abilene, my Abilene.

--- Instrumental ---

Crowded city, ain't nothing free
Nothing in this old town for me
Wish to the Lord that I could be
In Abilene, sweet Abilene.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Abilene, Abilene,
Prettiest town I've ever seen
Women there don't treat you mean
In Abilene, my Abilene...