Letra All of you de Vertical Horizon

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

So you say
I'm too quiet
Holding things
Up in my head

I say so much
But you don't buy it
I don't want to wake up
Alone in my head

Oh say that you'll never go now
Don't go
Don't go

I need a lot of you
I want a lot of you
I need a lot of you
All of you

I tend to think
I'm getting nowhere
I drag it out
Whenever I can

I'll get back there
And find the world
You dropped from your hand

Oh but some things you'll never show now
I know
I know

I need a lot of you
I want a lot of you
I need a lot of you
All of you

Watch you coming up
Out on top now
Watch you coming up

I need a lot of you
I want a lot of you
I need a lot of you
All of you

I need a lot of you
I want a lot of you
I need a lot of you
All of you
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
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