Letra And my name?s dignan so what de A Day At The Fair

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i know its where we had to end
the torch we doused we lit again
the flame of our affliction kept us
holding on from far away
the dreams we had
the love we made
the times we drank ourselves asleep
to wake up to what we believe
in what we have and what we need
we'll wonder how good it can get

much better than this

im in the good life now
i see myself
smiling bigger and wider than you ever knew how
im in the good life now
all by myself
getting better with every regret ill allow

i guess its where the time begins
when you get drunk and call again
and i cant sit here listening to
how bad you want to break away
to drink yourself like hemingway
so you can make a memory
of the things you never turned into
and every girl that ill go through
theyll wonder how good it can get

much better than this

im in the good life now
i see myself
smiling bigger and wider than you ever knew how
im in the good life now
all by myself
getting better with every regret ill allow

i hear from your friends your still alive
i guess i wasted those wishes on nothing
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
im in the good life now
i see myself
smiling bigger and wider than you ever knew how
im in the good life now
all by myself
getting better with every regret ill allow