Letra Hell Or High Water de Y & T

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Puntaje: 3,00/5. Total votos: 1

Between a rock and a hard place
You put the pressure on me
Something's gonna break
Long legs, sleazy woman
Starch shirt, Corprate head
Yes, you steal my heart
You steal my money
And you leave me in the red
Hell or high water
I said
Hell or high water

I'm not your boy
And I'm not your toy
You better start seeing me as a man
I didn't ask you to run my life
I just asked you for a hand
You know I love harmony
But I hate to be much homogenized
And I believe that one word of truth
Says more than a thousands lies

Hell or high water
I say
Hell or high water

Solo: Dave Meniketti
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Hell or high water
I said
Hell or high water
I said
Hell or high water
Hell or high water
I said
Hell or high water
I said
Hell or high water
I said
Hell or high water
You know
Hell or high water