Letra Help Me de Emigrate

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I watched you and what I've seen
riven now where I have been
spread your wings and try to fly
fly so far before you die

See that you'll be all you can
I'm growing up now, I'm a man
I feed off what you want to be
I've seen the things you want to see

Help me
Sing this song
Help me
Sing this song
Help me
Sing this song for you
Like I always do

Free me from all ties that bind
I have lost what you will find
place a weight that drags you down
and try to rise before you drown

Help me
Sing this song
Help me
Sing this song
Help me
Sing this song for you
Like I always do

I watch you fall
Say goodbye
I watch you fall

Help me
Sing this song
Help me
Sing this song
Help me
Sing this song for you
Like I always do
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Help me
Sing this song
Help me
Sing this song
Help me
Sing this song for you
Like I always do