Letra I Worship Only What You Bleed de The Black Dahlia Murder

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Oh, it's flowing through me
Combusting with contempt
Rationality abandoning
Chemically led astray.

Stepping outside the confines of this circle
Bane of society become
I'm about to cross the line
And take a life, nothing can stop me now.

Murderous functioning
The animal within me speaks
Nothing but blood could satisfy these carnal needs.

I am your master
Superior, I reign
Poised just above you on this death distorted chain.

The need to kill transcends temptation
I'm sick and in need of blood
Withdrawals haunt me, taunt me, sickly baiting
My deeds can never be undone.

Murderous functioning
The animal within me speaks
Nothing but blood could satisfy these carnal needs.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I am your sheperd
Cloaked in obscenity
Heed this sickening words: I worship only what you bleed
I am your master
Superior, I reign
Poised just above you on this death distorted chain.