Letra Jennifer de M2m

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She's so beautiful
She is suuuuuuper nice
Everybody say she's special

She is wonderful
Unbelievable / sweet
I guess she is perfect

Stop saying she's just a friend
Keep hearing her name again, name again!

I really have to say
She's always in my way
I can't believe how much you love her
How can I make you see?
It's either her or me
I will never be like Jennifer

She's a fragile girl
Skin like porcelain
Shame on you, if you would hurt her

She's adorable
Oh so vulnerable
I wish that somebody would drop her

Stop saying she's just a friend
Keep hearing her name again, name again!

I really have to say
She's always in my way
I can't believe how much you love her
How can I make you see?
It's either her or me
I will never be like Jennifer

Stop saying she's just a friend
Keep hearing her name again, name again!

I really have to say
She's always in my way
I can't believe how much you love her
How can I make you see?
It's either her or me
I will never be like Jennifer
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I really have to say
She's always in my way
I can't believe how much you love her
How can I make you see?
It's either her or me
I will never be like Jennifer