Letra Jester Script Transfigured de In Flames

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new beginnings held in infinite vacuum
Biotronic test-worlds free of inscription
devoid of the echoes of man
noble cyborg savage

In cold ceremonial perfection
more radiant than sum of suns
with each and every attribute
of animal, machine and man

Dystopia ElectroHeart
the grotesque and the linear
took one final giant blow
into the Ram of
what is us

In cold ceremonial perfection
more radiant than sum of suns
with each and every attribute
of animal, machine and man

Installing awaiting the restoration of unsequenced chaos

We've only seen the outlines of the beggining
and this core the slowly moving raptor
will make the very notion of Hell
seem celestial in comparison

In cold ceremonial perfection
more radiant than sum of suns
with each and every attribute
of animal, machine and man
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Installing awaiting the restoration of unsequenced chaos