Letra Kyrie de 09 Mr Mister

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Kyrie eleison - Kyrie eleison - Kyrie eleis -
The wind blows hard against this mountainsiae
Across the sea into my soul.
It reaches into where I cannot hide
Setting my feet upon the road.
My heart is old it holds my memories
My body burns a gemlike flame.
Somewhere between the soul and soft machine
Is where I find myself again.
Kyrie eleison - down the road that I must travel
Kyrie eleison - through the darkness of the night
Kyrie eleison - where I'm going will you follow
Kyrie eleison - on a highway in the light.
When I was young I thought of growing old
Of what my life would mean to me.
Would I have followed down my chosen road
Or only wished what I could be?
Kyrie eleison - down the road that I must travel. . .
Kyrie eleison - down the road that I must travel. . .
Kyrie eleison - down the road that I must travel. . .
Kyrie eleison - down the road that I must travel. . .
Kyrie eleison - down the road that I must travel. . .