Letra Rock To The Rock de Bob Marley

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All they want us to do is see that, we might get fed-up
But tell the world that this is just another shake-up
This world is mine, it can be, yours my friend
All that I want you to do, is pretend
So you got to rock to the rock, oooh-yeah
[Sock it to the sock] right now
You move and grove, oooh-yeah [loop-de-loop-de-loo]

Though the trees have time to blossom, change their leaves
I'll tell the world you've got something up your sleeves
This world is mine, it can be, yours my friend
All that I want you to do, is pretend
So you got to rock to the rock, oooh-yeah
[Sock it to the sock] right now
[Move and groove] oooh-yeah [loop-de-loop-de-loo]
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
You rock to the rock, oooh-yeah
[Sock it to the sock] right now
[Move and groove] oooh-yeah [loop-de-loop-de-loo]
[Rock to the rock] oooh-yeah [sock it to the sock] right now [move and
groove] oooh-yeah [loop-de-loop-de-loo]
Say you got to rock to the rock, oooh-yeah
[Sock it to the sock} right now
[Move and groove] ooo-de-he-de [loop-de-loop-de-loo]
[Rock to the rock] trees change
[Sock it to the sock] leaves change
[Move and grove] you'll see [loop-de-loop-de-loo]