Letra Taiyou No Ao de Dir En Grey

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yakitsuku you na kokoro ga
suzu no ne o kanjiteru
naranai denwa o mitsumete itakatta

machikado o magaru to sugu
futari de yoku mita eiga o
manatsu no iro to tomo ni omoidasu yo
ano koro o...

manatsu no taiyou omoi o kasaneta kisetsu
kaze ni nagasareta kimi ni wa nido to todokazu

nakidashita kimi o mite
atarimae no koto no you ni
tada kimi o mitsume nanimo dekinakute
shiranai kaori ga suru
sore wa yatsu no tame nano kai?
boku ni wa kizukarenai you ni shiteta kimi wa

gonen no tsukihi ga sugi
yatsu to kimi wa shiawase kai?
teramachi de guuzen ai
nazeka kokoro ga itakute...

manatsu no taiyou omoi o kasaneta kisetsu
kaze ni nagasareta kimi ni wa nido to todokazu
tsumetai taiyou atarashii iro ni kaete
kizuato o kakusazu atarashii kisetsu ni some

kizutsukerarete kizutsukeatte
hito wa kizu o kakusu keredo
jibun jishin o koetemiseru yo
kizu wa kirei na hana ni naru
taisetsu na mono wa " " omoide wa...


jade sun

my scorched heart is feeling a buzzing sound
a telephone that wasn't ringing I wanted to stare at it

soon I turn the street corner where the two of us often saw films
together with the midsummer colours I recall that time

the midsummer sun my feelings piled up on the seasons
the wind that flowed past I can never reach you

I looked at you who had burst into tears it seemed so usual
only staring at you I could do nothing

A fragrance I don't know is it about that guy?
I didn't even notice the way you were already

after five years time are you happy with him?
at Teramachi, a chance meeting for some reason my heart aches

the midsummer sun my feelings piled up on the seasons
the wind that flowed past I can never reach you

a cold sun changes to a new colour
I cannot hide my scars colouring a new season
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I can be wounded I am wounded people hide their scars, but
I myself will cross over, and show scars that become beautiful flowers
next eternity
An important thing " " A memory