Letra The Road Im On de 3 Doors Down

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She said life?s a lot to think about sometimes
When you?re living in between the lines
And all the stars are sparkling, shine everyday
He said life?s so hard to move in sometimes
When it feels like I?m towin' the line
And no one even cares to ask me why I feel this way

And I know you feel helpless now,
and I know you feel alone
That?s the same road,
and the same road that I?m on, yeah

He said life?s a lot to think about sometimes
When you keep it all between the lines
And everything I want and I want to find one of these days

But what you thought was real in life,
Oh, has somehow steered you wrong
And now you just keep drivin'
tryin' to find out where you belong

And I know you feel helpless now,
and I know you feel alone
That?s the same road,
and the same road that I?m on,
Yeah, yeah, yeah

What you thought was real in life,
has somehow steered you wrong
And now you just keep drivin'
tryin' to find where you belong
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I know you feel helpless now,
I know you feel alone
That?s the same road,
the same road that I?m on,
Yeah, yeah, yeah