Letra There's always tomorrow de Geri Halliwell

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Sometimes I feel so blue inside
So when I´m lonely
I drive to St. Tropez

I leave the world behind that´s gray
Into sunshine
I know I´ll be okay I say

Life is short
Too beautiful for you to worry
Don´t give up
When love is unkind
There´s always tomorrow

Don´t let them bring you that down that way
The view is golden
Believe the old clich©

I need a little time to play
So kiss the moonlight
The night is young at heart they say

La vie est courte (life is short)
Too beautiful for you to worry
Tellement courte (so short)
When love is unkind
There´s always tomorrow

Just let your imagination take a chance
It´ll get you far
Step by step, the road is long
But at the end you can touch a star
I don´t care where I came from
It´s where I´m going that gets me through
It´s all I need to get me through

There´s always tomorrow
(Quelque fois je suis triste)
(Sometimes, I´m sad)
There´s always tomorrow
(Il y a toujours demain, Il y a toujours de l´amour)
(There´s always tomorrow, there´s always love)

Life is short
Too beautiful for you to worry
Don´t give up
When love is unkind
There´s always tomorrow