Letra When It's Over de 3 Doors Down

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You must be happy with yourself
Think you're so much better than me
Why do you love to see me fail so much?
'Cause on that day you crawl back on your knees

Tell me who will save you
When there's no one else around
and you can't turn to me?
Tell me where will you be?

When it's over
And all this pride you hold inside is gone
Tell me where will you hide?
When it's over
And everything you know is said and done
When it's over where will you run?

Do your memories haunt your dreams?
Do they simply seem to have a mind of their own?
Tell me what the emptiness brings
Everything you know is everything but gone

Tell me who will save you
When there's no one else around
and you can't turn to me?
Tell me where will you be?

When it's over
And all this pride you hold inside is gone
Tell me where will you hide?
When it's over
And everything you know is said and done
When it's over where will you run?

You can't hold your world together now
Everyone sees who you really are
When your castle crumbles at your feet
Don't you run to me

When it's over...
And all this pride you hold inside is dying...
Where will you hide?!
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
When it's over
And all this pride you hold inside is gone
Tell me where will you hide?
When it's over
And everything you know is said and done
When it's over where will you run?