Letra A moment to myself de Macy Gray

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I saw a rainbow earlier today
Lately those rainbow be comin' round like everyday
Deep in the struggle I have found the beauty of me
God is watchin and the devil finally let me be
Here in this moment to myself
I'm gonna vibe with no one else
There is a conversation I need to have with me
It's just a moment to myself

There're all looking at you, you're got everything to lose
Get up and dance girl, sing your tu-rah-loo-rah-loo
And quit bitchin bout how don't nobody really love you
Spread your rubber lovin and it bounces back to you
Here in this moment to myself
I'm gonna vibe with no one else
There is a conversation I need to have with me
It's just a moment to myself
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Flowers are bloomin under gray skies and moons
Seems like I'm winnin everytime I lose
And the answer I been looking for been here all this time
Spread your rubber lovin and it bounces back to you
Here in this moment to myself
I'm gonna vibe with no one else
There is a conversation I need to have with me
It's just a moment to myself