Letra I Think That She Knows de Justin Timberlake

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Those flashing lights come from everywhere
The way they hit her I had to stop and stare
She's got me love stoned
I think I'm love stoned
She's got me love stoned

I think that she knows, think that she knows, oh, oh [repeat 2 more times]

Those flashing lights come from everywhere
The way they hit her I had to stop and stare
I'm love stoned from everywhere and she knows
I think that she knows
Think that she knows, oh, oh
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
And now I walk around without a care
She's got me hooked
It just ain't fair, but I...
I'm love stoned and I could swear
That she knows
Think that she knows, oh, oh
She knows, she knows, oh, oh