Letra Jesus for a day de Macy Gray

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Run the creature has come, there´s no cover for you no prize
When you´ve won.

Be. If I could be jesus for just a day and have it my way, if I
Could be perfect, like the light - jesus just for a night and have
It my way - if I could be.

Stand the creature has come. We´re doing all we can, but our
Angels have given up.

Be. If I could be jesus for just a day and have it my way, if I
Could be perfect, like the light - jesus for a night and have
It my way - if I could be.

Atop my mountain a phenomenon - when I walk on water I am
Complete, at peace and I´d make it so you´d be just like me.
Be. If I could be Jesus for just a day and have it my way, if I
Could be - do all my life right - jesus for just a night and have
It my way - if I could be