Letra Kevlar Soul de Kent

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Summertime, I'm the silence as the wind blows
My land is your land we are free
Summertime, if you listen close you hear my teardrops fall

My dream is yours
I have time on my side
Making diamonds of coal
She put a hole, through my kevlar soul

And my heart slowly dies
It gets lonely and cold
She put a hole, through my kevlar soul

Summertime, I am violence as the rain falls
My land is my land only mine
Summertime, if I listen close I hear your teardrops fall

Your dream is mine
I have time on my side
Making diamonds of coal
She put a hole, through my kevlar soul

And my heart slowly dies
It gets lonely and cold
She put a hole, through my kevlar soul

I have time on my side
Making diamonds of coal
She put a hole, through my kevlar soul

My dream is your dream
And my heart slowly dies
It gets lonely and cold
She put a hole, through my kevlar soul

Your dream is my dream
I have time on my side
Making diamonds of coal
She put a hole, through my kevlar soul
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
My dream is your dream
And my heart slowly dies
It gets lonely and cold
She put a hole, through my kevlar soul