Letra R Ska Song de Mest

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well i went to your house and i knocked at the door
parents tell me to get down on the floor
i got nothing better to doso i say hey
fuck you

and i really hate your mother
i really hate your father
they're always picking on me

i went to the record store
i had no money
i lost it all on a bet
i don't think that it's too funny
now i can't buy minor threat

and i really hate your mother
i really hate your father
they're always picking on me

i stay stay stay far away
maybe i'll be back another day
parents tell me to get a job
and i really don't care what they say

and i really hate your mother
i really hate your father
they're always picking on me

went to the record store
i had the money
i lost it all on a bet

well i don't think that it's too funny
now i can't buy minor threat
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
and i really hate your mother
i really hate your mother
i really hey hey hey hey hey
on me
on me
on me
on me hey hey
let's go