Letra Rainbow In The Sky de Ziggy Marley

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there's a rainbow in the sky all the time don't be blind
there's a rainbow in the sky all the time don't be blind don't be blind

said you I'm living in my fantasy
but is you who are blinded from reality
the material world mean so much to you
you just can't get what I'm telling you

there's a rainbow in the sky all the time don't be blind don't be blind

cause in a town called sorrow there was joy
yes and there I met the painless tear
freed he expressed emotions that egos fear
my life is full of colors yeah my mind is clear

there's a rainbow in the sky rainbow in the sky

found I mercy in every sunrise
I am born again from the womb of the night
all I have I have left behind
minds' eye eyes eye a light will shine
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
there's a rainbow in the sky all the time don't be blind don't be blind
rainbow in the sky rainbow in the sky