Letra Sappy de Nirvana

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And if you save yourself
You will make him happy
He'll keep you in a jar
And you'll think you're happy
He'll give you breathing holes
And you'll think you're happy
He'll cover you with grass
And you'll think you're happy

You're in a laundry room
You're in a laundry room
conclusion came to you

And if you cut yourself
You will think you're happy
He'll keep you in a jar
Then you'll make him happy
He'll give you breathing holes
Then you'll think you're happy
He'll cover you with grass
Then you'll think you're happy now

You're in a laundry room
You're in a laundry room
Conclusion came to you

You're in a laundry room
You're in a laundry room
Conclusion came to you

And if you fool yourself
You will make him happy
He'll keep you in a jar
Then you'll think you're happy
He'll give you breathing holes
Then you will seem happy
You'll wallow in your shit
Then you'll think you're happy
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
You're in a laundry room
You're in a laundry room
You're in a laundry room
Conclusion came to you