Letra Someone's watching over me de Geri Halliwell

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You said I'd always be your little girl. Thought that would last forever.
But you left me in this grown up world.
I had to put myself together.

At the end of the day you showed me the way. I'm never in doubt.

Someone's watching over me.
Though sometimes I wish that you would look away from me.
Always watching over me.
Though it's not perfect it can't be any other way for me.

You said to me that time would never wait.
So I ran a little faster.
I was always there but just too late.
So fate became a father.

At the end of the day you showed me the way. I'm never in doubt.

Someone's watching over me.
Though sometimes I wish that you would look away from me.
Always watching over me.
Though it's not perfect It can't be any other way for me.

You left a girl with a hungry mind (I'm still learning, I'm still waiting).
All of my answers I need to find.

Someone's watching over me.
Though sometimes I wish that you would look away from me.
Always watching over me.
Though it's not perfect It can't be any other way for me.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Someone's watching over me.
Though sometimes I wish that you would look away from me.
Always watching over me.
Though it's not perfect It can't be any other way for me.