Letra These Days de 3 Doors Down

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I think I was better off before this all began
So clearly I can see lately that you don't know who I am
Everybody tried to tell me something that I never could believe
Standing back it seemed so much different than it did in front of me

But I know
There's no good in looking back on yesterday
And wondering what could have happened then

You think you can give me what I want
You say, you say
I think, I'm better off alone
These days, these days

Why should I put my trust in something that I never could believe?
So one day you can find something better just to pack your things and leave
Loneliness is a friend for the moment but she won't walk out on me

And I know
There's no good in looking back on yesterday
And wondering what could have happened then

You think you can give me what I want
You say, you say
I think, I'm better off alone
These days, these days

I'm tired, And I'm sick of waiting
Maybe I'll die alone
Cause I can't take another damn day of waiting here for You to come to me
Baby, baby please tell me why

You think you can give me what I want
You say, you say
I think, I'm better off alone
These days, these days
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
You think you can give me what I want
You say, you say
I think, I'm better off alone
These days, these days