Letra Wheeler de Pink

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Can't keep me down
Can't keep me down down
Can't keep me down
I said you can't keep me down
No you can't keep me down
i said u can't keep me down

Hey, hey, man
What's your problem?
I see you try to hurt me bad
Don't know what you're up against

Maybe you should reconsider,
come up with another plan
Cause you know I'm not that kind of girl
that'll lay there, let you come first

You can push me out the window
I'll just get back up
You can run over me with your 18-wheeler truck
and I won't give a fuck
You can hang me like a slave
I'll go underground
You can run over me with your 18-wheeler but
you can't keep me down down down
You cant keep me down down
Cant keep me down down down
Cant keep me down down

Hey, hey, girl
Are you ready for today?
You got your shield and sword
cause it's time to play the games

You are beautiful even though you're not for sure
Don't let him pull you by the skirt
You're gonna get your feelings hurt
~~Chorus~~ (x2)
You can push me out the window
I'll just get back up
You can run over me with your 18-wheeler truck
and I won't give a fuck
You can hang me like a slave
I'll go underground
You can run over me with your 18-wheeler but
you can't keep me down down down
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Everywhere that I go
there's someone waiting to chain me
Everything that I say,
there's someone trying to shortchange me
I am only this way
because of what you have made me
And I'm not gonna break
~~Chorus~~ (x3)
You can push me out the window
I'll just get back up
You can run over me with your 18-wheeler truck
and I won't give a fuck
You can hang me like a slave
I'll go underground
You can run over me with your 18-wheeler but
you can't keep me down down down