Letra When Death Comes de Artillery

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Rise up from the ashes of evil
I had nothing to gain under black wings of freedom
Crawling through the sewer of boredom
Dirt on my hands never answered to no one

Woke up in the middle of nowhere
There was blood on my soul and my mind was stranded
The endless road lay endless before me
Nothing to loose and my flesh was branded

Can you live another lie
Cast away the fear
Live another life
Make my evil disappear

Will you be prepared
Can you ride the snake of doom
Will you not be scared
Control your senses too
Will you be prepared
Can you ride the snake of doom
When death comes sneaking up on you

See me ride away
Feel me led astray
See me ride away
Nothing can make me stay
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Shattered dreams and incomplete nightmares
God of lies exorcising my demons
Can I live can I die without reason
The devil himself told me to dream on