Letra Why didn't you call me de Macy Gray

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We went out one night
Everything went right
We got something started
It was outta sight
We had such a good time
Hey! Why didn't you call me?
I thought I'd see you again

Bt the phone I wait
String into space
Thinking about our first kiss
Out on our first date
We had such a good time
Hey! Why didn't you call me?
I thought I'd see you again

Why don't you call me again?
And I'm gonna ask
When I see you again
Thought you would be my man my lover my friend
I never thought it would end so quickly
It would end

I've resorted to
Hanging up on you
I know you know it's me
How else will I talk to you
We had such a good time
Hey! Why didn't you call me?
I thought I'd see you again
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Why don't you call me again?
And I'm gonna ask
When I see you again
Thought you would be my man my lover my friend
I never thought it would end so quickly
We had such a good time
Hey! Why didn't you call me?
I thought I'd see you
I thought I'd see you
I thought I'd see you again