Letra Big sleep de Simple Minds

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

So where did you go?
Where do you go in the Big Sleep
Going out in the Deep Sleep
Is where you're wandering now
So where did you go
When you're in the Big Sleep
Drifting in wildlife
And still you're wandering now

We were on the top and the world was spinning
We were only young in the whirlpool of warning
Communication lost in the thundering rain style
A shelter from the storm in the early beginning
Going out in the Big Sleep, out in the Big Sleep
Could have been years, you know it could have been years
Or only seconds ago

Big Sleep, Deep Sleep

Where are you now?
Now that you're up in Big Sleep
Valuable friend
They saw you leaving this way

We were on the top and the world was spinning
We were only young in the whirlpool of warning
Communication lost in the thundering rain style
A shelter from the storm in the early beginning
Where did you go?
Immaculate friend
For a lifetime I'm grateful
And it's only seconds away

Big Sleep, Deep Sleep
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
For evermore
If only you could see me
If only you could see me
If only you could see
Coming home in the Big Sleep
Coming home